Easyarc 7018-1H4R Low Hydrogen Welding Electrodes
Category: MMA Stick Welding Electrodes (SMAW)
EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R
EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R is an iron powder low-hydrogen type electrode for all-position welding of mild and low alloy steels. The strictly controlled diffusible hydrogen and moisture of EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R makes it well suited for critical welding applications that require excellent cracking resistance. EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R offers superb mechanical properties, notch toughness and high efficiency at low temperature.
- Superb weld profiles in all positions
- Diffusible hydrogen below 4ml/100g
- Slag removal is easy
Excellent toughness, cracking and resistance to
moisture pickup - Manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 9001 requirements
The electrodes are in a plastic box and then vacuum-sealed in moisture proof, polyfoil bags to prevent moisture pick-up. 8 vacuum sealed packages are then stored inside a master carton. For large shipments, the cartons are securely stacked on wooden pallets and covered with plastic shrink-wrap.
EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R is a multi-use electrode with excellent operator appeal. EASYARC™ 7018-1H4R is recommended for the critical welding of C-Mn, micro alloyed and low alloy structural steels. Typical applications include the welding of offshore platforms, ship building, pressure vessels, mining machinery and heavy steel structure on bridges.
AWS A5.1/A5.1M: E7018-1H4R
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