Wearshield® 15CrMn

Wearshield® 15CrMn


Stick (SMAW)

Austenitic manganese alloys, producing tough, high-strength deposits that will workharden under impact. Used in applications with high impact and low abrasion like striking or pounding.


Austenitic manganese alloys, producing tough, high-strength deposits that will workharden under impact. Primarily used for joining, repairing or building up manganese steel parts that need to be joined together or joining manganese to carbon steel, including railroad frogs, impact hammers, rotors and rock crusher rolls. Deposits thickness is unlimited and can be flame cut. Used in applications with high impact and low abrasion.


  • Provides a premium austenitic chromium manganese deposit
  • Resists severe impact or gouging even in a single layer over carbon steel
  • Used to join Hadfield manganese steel to itself or to carbon steel
  • Excellent for build-up on carbon steel prior to chromium carbide hardfacing deposit with an electrode such as Wearshield® 60
  • Unlimited layers

Typical Applications

  • Crusher hammers
  • Rebuilding and joining of austenitic
  • Manganese plates and parts
  • Earth moving equipment

Welding Positions

  • All except vertical down

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